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A Receptionist or Front desk Officer usually are placed in the waiting area or the lobby of the organization. The duty of a receptionist is to meet and greet customers, make a registration, give information to the customer inquiries, and directing them to the destinations or the office personnel that the customers intend to meet. Their service highlights the organization’s image and services. The Receptionist job position holder work as support staff to the Company’s administration so they must be well-groomed, attentive, loyal, warm, mature, and also maintain client’s confidentiality while providing their services. They must be polite while receiving telephone calls and show professionalism when dealing with clients.
One must be able to work in the front line and meet customers on day-to-day basis in order to be suitable for Receptionist job position. College degree is an asset with basic computing knowledge, communication skills, and proficiency in English and Nepali language.
Receptionist can work readily in different organizations providing service to the citizens. They can make advancements in the other administrative jobs with their knowledge and skills such as Customer Service Representative, Secretary, Interviewer, and Dispatcher and also work towards advancements of office automation. Receptionist job position holder can easily handle the guest and manage appointments and communicate office whereabouts to disseminate information to the outsider upon request. The pay scale of a receptionist starts from NRs. 12,000 to NRs. 27,000 per month.