She is hurt and she cries
But, you can’t see it as she just smiles
She’s the best and my first friend Who is still with me and I will be till the end
She is madly in love
With a Korean character And gives a strange reaction
In his every moves and movies
I know, How you cringe when you sing out of tune
But yet it’s everything So don’t change a thing
It’s just the matter of fact who are you She makes me smile
All the time
She never ever judged me
Matter of fact I always thought she was too cool for me Yet she knows all about me, more than I know about myself She wants to make everyone happy
She fears to lose her friend, she is too sensitive She taught me to turn my uniqueness to strength I will never let this strength go away
Because of it I can remember my friend
I remember the first time we fought in our life I think it was month of August
Three years back
With our weird character
We both acted stupid then
I wanted to apologize instant
But I could not
But I think now
There’s no need to change the past because of the past we are who we are now every second every action from then is linked to us here in present
Because even from back then I haven’t seen a bit change We are still the same
You are more to me than a just friend You’re my soul sister
And my best friend
- Sanju Pariyar
Biswadeep Multiple Campus (BBS)
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