Tackling skills/ shortage mismatch: Skill mismatch is one of the main source of youth unemployment. In the pursuit of dreams the youths must realize they have to realistically assess the labor market in terms of employment rates and salaries before undertaking their studies.
Improving youth skills relevant to dynamic labor demand market: Skills mismatch occurs when workers have either two or more skills than jobs require. Job creation is the key to tackling high and increasingly persistent unemployment and underemployment in many countries. Public employment services have an important role in assessing and ensuring return to job growth doesn’t come from lower quality skill matches. Workplace training and apprentice programs can help young and unemployed build a bridge and gain useful work related skills.
Harnessing community resource to improve attainment: Schools and Colleges have an important role in reducing inequalities. Individual needs are the primary needs and during learning in their academic programs innovations based on real life working culture for the students can make them closer to their attainment because they have a clear picture of how does business work in an external environment. Metacognitive training help them to become learners with a pinch of like skills.
Placing coherent pathways in the place of young people moving through educational and training provision.: A curriculum that both ensures students attain core, essential skills and knowledge such literacy and numeracy prepare student for variety of pathways through academic, vocational and mixed higher education and training. The pace of change is so rapid that individual need to acquire new skills and knowledge to maintain their employability to engage in society.
Addressing inequalities in outcome. : Inequality in outcome is the opportunities afforded to an individual at birth, the choices he/ she made in life, luck. Ensuring individuals have an equal opportunity to succeed is a policy goal for which there is clear consensus to act than for achieving equal outcomes.
Combining income skills training with provision of technical inputs, credit and supplies and selecting students that can use this supply and giving continuous support and mentoring.
Introducing more initiatives to young people for helping them understanding what talent and skills specific companies are searching for and hiring.
Interactive learning during academic education instead of traditional lecturing can boost analytical skills, social skills important for job and help in building patience.
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After Study, How to Prepare for A Job?
Criteria used by the employers to evaluate a recent college graduate for a job positioning has changed dramatically in the present context of the global world. Because of increasing awareness of the need for fair hiring of the staffs, the organization has a certain measure to be followed for proper assessment of the staffs.
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Most of the students after the graduation are at the crossroads. They have a hard time making up their mind whether to study higher and do post-graduation or start working by getting a job to earn instead of going straight for post-graduation.