After Study, How to Prepare for A Job?

Criteria used by the employers to evaluate a recent college graduate for a job positioning has changed dramatically in the present context of the global world. Because of increasing awareness of the need for fair hiring of the staffs, the organization has a certain measure to be followed for proper assessment of the staffs. The default criteria set up by an organization in the modern period helps to ensure that each candidate applying for a specific job position is judged on the same basis corresponding with the requirements of the post.


Standard criteria for evaluation in a job interview:

  • Educational qualification:A candidate going for the job interview is primarily judged on the basis of his/her certification. Candidates with a good grade is prioritized over candidates with average grade. So make sure to get good grades while you still can.
  • Communication skills: For a business to operate smoothly, the staff's needs to coordinate with each other as well as with the clients. One of the most important soft skill set is good communication, the skill gives polish to the apple. A qualified candidate with a good communication skill is highly considered for the job.
  • Work History:It is one of the most essential criteria taken into consideration for job selection. A candidate with a good work history positions himself or herself in the top priority in regards with candidates who have had a bad experience at previous workplace or among those who have no work experience at all.
  • Technical Proficiency:Most companies nowadays works in a systematic manner for smooth operation of the business. Most job demands some level of proficiency concerned with the particular subject, craft or its techniques. The candidates must be able to apply the proficient knowledge in practical use, it may also involve using tools and technology required for the specific job position.
  • Attitude:No matter whatever the qualification a candidate has, having a bad attitude hampers the business and also effects other staffs. So with good qualification, one must also have good attitude and manners. Candidates who are willing to learn, able to handle stress and have a good teamwork are highly considered for the job.
  • Ability to perform: Among the most important criteria for a job is the ability to perform a task. The candidate must be confident about his or her capability. A nervous candidate can be dealt with, but a candidate who is not confident regarding his or her ability to perform has a high chance of getting rejected.


In any company, a good staff is considered as an asset for the company, an asset means useful or valuable thing or a person from which the company can benefit. As human is one of the most important resource for the company, a good human resource is a good asset for the company.  Anyone who is considered as a liability for the company are categorized as not fit for working and are generally avoided for selection during the interview. Candidates must make sure that they are going to be an asset for the company, and be dedicated towards work. A good job can lead to a better career, so make the best use of the available resources and work towards building a golden future.

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    For a mankind education and jobs are the basic essential components to live a fulfilling life. The thing that counts is both these things start from childhood and impacts on his adult life. The quality of education, the quality of training and academic institutes, the delivery of teachers and lectures, course of study, real life situations, experience, training, on the job performance, motivation and willingness to show interest in learning and breaking the barriers through self-employment, job opportunities and placements, career advice and counselling, pay scale and incentives with perks are the basic things an individual need in his youth.


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    Bridging the gap between education and employment


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