Q. How do you feel winning the title (male) for Nepal’s Next top model- Season3?
I feel great; it was a huge accomplishment for me as a new comer in this profession. I managed
to climb high in the ladder from this event. I am elated.
Q. How long were you preparing for this pageant and what trainings you went through?
Before joining this event I was preparing myself from home watching you tube videos. I learned
dancing, etiquette and grooming to face the main event in this contest.
Q. What are your future plans? Where do you see yourself from now?
I carry a lot of dreams I want to represent my Country in International platform. I am also
passionate about riding bikes. I think we can manage sponsorships for bike shows.
Q. Your message to the youths who want to participate in this show?
Dream high and then follow your dreams. You will get self-motivated to prove your worth and
fulfill your goals. I came through that journey and I am bestowed with lots of affection after
winning the Nepal’s Next top model title.
Q. Most essential thing to you in your life and why?
My family and my two sisters who really encouraged me to participate in this show. I also
convinced from my part to my Parents who were reluctant but it is through their support I am
made in this contest and be Nepal’s next top model.
Q. How do you feel winning the 1st runner up position in Nepal’s Next top model- Season3?
I feel blessed because NNTM has given us a best platform. Now, I can showcase my potentials
in the Nepali film industry or glamour industry. So, I am really thankful to Nepal’s next top
model- season 3.
Q. How long were you preparing for this pageant and what trainings you went through?
I was preparing for this contest since three to four months. I went to gym and dance classes; very
soon I will be joining acting school also.
Q. What are your future plans? Where do you see yourself from now?
I see myself as a super model and of course I want to see myself as aspiring actor within 1 year
or two.
Q. Your message to the youths who want to participate in this show?
I want to say youths to listen to your heart. If your heart says you want to join this industry and
become a model or an actor in future then you do trainings but be positive always. You think it
as a time passes then it is not the correct platform for you. You need to constantly prove yourself
in every day, every audition and contest. Until and unless you are not sure about yourself I don’t
suggest you to be here.
Q. What is the difference you see then and now after having won the title are you getting any
As for now it is just few days and my first interview. I look forward to more interviews and
projects in the future.
Q. Most essential thing to you in your life and why?
To be honest not only to the public but also be honest with yourself. You cannot hide things from
yourself though you might do with others. So, staying true to yourself is very important for me.
Q. How do you feel winning the 2nd runner up position in Nepal’s Next top model- Season3?
I feel really good. Proud in fact I have gained happiness from my Parents which is very
important for me. This is a very positive indicator and good luck for me.
Q. How long were you preparing for this pageant and what trainings you went through?
I started from Nepal next top model-season 3. I trained there for one and a half month. Our
instructors have guided us really well while we were grooming for this event.
Q. What are your future plans? Where do you see yourself from now?
My passion is modeling and I want to spend my time in this profession.
Q. Your message to the youths who want to participate in this show?
In our community Modeling is seen obscene but in reality it is not at all. The platform for
modeling is very uplifting for common individual. We are lucky because of upcoming shows and
events like Nepal’s next top model-season3. There is a future and ample amount of opportunities.
Q. Most essential thing to you in your life and why?
Since it was concluded day before yesterday right now I don’t have new offers. But, people’s
perception has definitely changed. We are getting noticed and invited for interviews and for now
that matters the most.
Q. How do you feel winning the title (female) for Nepal’s Next top model- Season3?
I feel proud of myself after so much of hard work, dedication and compassion. I think I have
finally achieved what I dreamed for. Reality is much better than the dream.
Q. How long were you preparing for this pageant and what trainings you went through?
Mentally I was not very prepared but just before couple of months I began to prepare myself and
took it seriously. Throughout the trainings I learned so many things to showcase in the final
event. Personality development, photo shoots, walks during grooming sessions.
Q. What are your future plans? Where do you see yourself from now?
I see myself as a supermodel in the future. I want to be the inspiration for the youngsters who
look to me to get an inspiration.
Q. Your message to the youths who want to participate in this show?
Be mentally prepared, emancipate yourself from mental slavery. No one but you can get through
what you have dreamed for. Be confident but never be over confident. With good training and
being positive and optimistic you will finally achieve your dreams.
Q. Most essential thing to you in your life and why?
Right now I want to share my happiness with my family and friends who have always supported
me. We crave for satisfaction and love which is abundant right now.
Q. How do you feel winning the 1st runner up position in Nepal’s Next top model- Season3?
It feels great to achieve what you have desired the most. My expectations was much higher but I
am okay with I have received. My hard work and dedication towards fashion really paid me.
Q. How long were you preparing for this pageant and what trainings you went through?
I am a model but I had never given a thought about joining this pageant. It’s been only a couple of
months when I changed my mind and took the step forward in Nepal’s next top model-
season 3.
Q. What are your future plans? Where do you see yourself from now?
I am a fashion designer and I thought modeling will be a plus point for me. I see myself as a
choreographer at the end.
Q. Your message to the youths who want to participate in this show?
Our Country has conservative mindset when it comes to modeling. But, it is not what they think
it is. Perception has changed now, if one is okay with it he/she can become a model.
Q. What is the difference you see then and now after having won the 1st runner up title are
you getting any offers?
Recently, I have some photo shoot offers for which I look forward to in couple of weeks.
Q. Most essential thing in your life and why?
Hard work and dedication is the most essential thing. Family also plays a very important role in
shaping my dreams and achieving them. Without their support I couldn’t get what I aimed for.
Q. How do you feel winning the 2nd runner up position in Nepal’s Next top model- Season3?
I feel very happy winning the title of second runner up in Nepal’s next top model season 3.
Before this I had never tried anywhere before, it was my dream since childhood. This is my first
attempt and being the second runner up makes me immensely happy.
Q. How long were you preparing for this pageant and what trainings you went through?
I learned the basics by watching videos in you tube before that I didn’t have any formal training
so that is how it started.
Q. What are your future plans? Where do you see yourself from now?
I will try for Miss Nepal soon. I am trying my best to participate in this show.
Q. Your message to the youths who want to participate in this show?
Pursue your dreams with passion and stay positive. We cannot achieve anything without hard
Q. What is the difference you see then and now after having won the 2nd runner up title are
you getting any offers?
Not now but maybe in the future.
Most essential thing in your life and why?
My family and my sister. She is so much supportive I love her.
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