Student's Perspective - Barsha Thapa

The role of youth in nation building has been a cliche topic of discourse throughout generations. The importance of youth population in strengthening the pillars of the nation and society at large has stood the testament of time with youth led revolution and movements throughout centuries. Whether it be youth initiatives that led to the formation of new federal and state government in the country or their contribution bringing remittance to the nation, Nepal has always seen an increment towards youth lead leadership and responsibilities.  Such instances underscore signs of a progressive nation with limitless youth potentials. The challenge thus lies in tapping those infinite possibilities of the youth at present with quality education, stable government and support systems. The question here is how the nation today will support the future generation of youth tomorrow so as to work hand in hand in the path of development.

Barsha  Thapa

Masters in Information Technology Management

Minnesota, St.Paul.

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    Student's Perspective - Shownal Sharma

    Nation Building is refered as a constructive process to develop Country. Nation can be developed if today’s youth actively participate in the activities like infrastructure development, jobs in social sector and leaders in political arena for bringing the voice of the nation to the decision makers.


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