Why menstrual cramps occur?
Lower back pain, abdominal pain and thighs pain are quite common during period. But have you ever wondered what the reason behind it? Well it’s because sometime the uterus or womb contracts too strongly which presses against nearby blood vessels due to which oxygen cannot be supplied to the uterus and the lack of oxygen in uterus cause cramp or pain.
How to get rid of it (Remedies):
Here, we have listed few ways that can lower your pain. However, if pain is severe make sure to visit doctor.
Proper Diet: Add more vegetables to your daily food, reduce the use of fat and increase intake of Vitamin B1 and fish oil. This will ease your period cramps as well as improve your health.
Painkiller: Though most of the females try to keep themselves away from the painkiller as much as possible, an occasional use of a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication is not that bad. You can opt for painkillers like naproxen or ibuprofen. However, it’s not advisable to those who have history of kidney problem or bleeding.
Herbal Teas:
Herbal teas can be ideal to alleviate menstrual cramps as few herbs can act as oestrogens. Boil two teaspoons of bark and simmer it for fifteen minutes. Drink the tea three times a day. However, it is not suggestible if you are patient of hormone-related cancer or are on diuretic for blood pressure.
Another way to alleviate pain is undertaking acupuncture. It helps to relax the nervous system and cause proper blood flow to the internal organs.
Massage using essential oils:
Massage with essential oils can relieve any pain. Mix marjoram, clary sage and lavender in a 2-1-1 ratio and massage on the lower abdomen, you will feel relieved.
Add more magnesium in your diet:
According to a research, increment of magnesium in diet help ease the menstrual cramps. It helps regulate muscle and nerve functioning. Dry almonds, spinach, seeds, bananas, dried fruit, dark chocolate etc contain high amount of magnesium.
What is PMS?
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a set of various mental, physical and behavioral symptoms that women go through one or two weeks before menstruation starts. These symptoms include mood changes, irritability, feeling tired, bloating, tender breasts and acne. These symptoms may take place during pregnancy or after menopause.