There is an increase in migration of youths in Gulf Countries, in what fields are they usually engaged? Do they seek higher education or is it for work only?
The main reason for going to Gulf country arises out of employment needs. There are only few who go for education and sharpen their skills by studying Saudi language, Muslim laws but that is only a small part for the number of people going to Gulf country. Remaining go there for work.
What profession are the youths filling in Gulf Countries? Do they work in job positions that have high standard in our society? If not then what job positions are they in?
Now a day’s youth have gone there for office works. There are few Nepalese Engineers, Doctors and Pilots in Saudi. Middle level jobs like store keepers, accountants, receptionist are some of the job positions they will take but majority of them work as labours.
What are the opportunities and threat for Youths in Gulf countries?
The opportunities are unskilled people who go and work in gulf Countries have developed themselves with skills that can be also applied here. When they have skills related to their work, then they will have better job positions. In education the opportunities are very few. Only skill development opportunities are there in Gulf countries.
What role does embassy play for youths going to Gulf Countries for safety and security?
When the embassy gets a notice then it starts making rescue operations for people who have been there and got strayed in Gulf countries. Apart from this the embassy gathers group of Nepali people and interact with them and raise their awareness. Sometimes we form mobile groups and assign them to visit and understand the needs of our people working in foreign employment. Giving instructions for their safety and security. These works are performed by the embassy.
Each day we hear news about violence against labors in foreign employment, human rights issues. How has embassy looked on these issues and working accordingly?
There is a need for development in many sectors. Most of the people are misinformed and misled that they get better paid with better facilities and accommodation but they don’t get it anyhow. This has created problems so embassy looks on this issue and track the terms mentioned in their agreement or contract and if it is not fulfilled the embassy will try to sort the problem mutually. If that is violated then we take legal actions for safeguarding the worker’s rights.
How accessible is the embassy to foreign migrant workers to listen their plight and act for their welfare? In your opinion are there any areas that need to be improved?
The scarcity faced by the embassy is lack of manpower and resources. If the problems are in many places then rescuecan’t be done quickly. Due to this, as per the requirement, the embassy must add more manpower, vehicles and additional funds to improve the working space of embassy.
Today the world is dominated by technology, how has the embassy used technology? Some of the fields in the website are not seen updated?
Compared to the past there has been progress on using technology to the work of embassy. Most of the websites are being updated. But all are not in uniformity some are advanced and while others are lacking. If there are weaknesses then that must be corrected and upgraded.
Many people who are going for foreign employment are left behind in their education, what advice would you like to give for those people? What is the right step of our government for the empowerment of youths?
If they go there (Gulf country) for pursuing their education then they will be left with very few opportunities. Our government must give recognition to their skills which they have acquired there and test them with examinations and certify on merit basis. A labor while working in foreign country might have gained knowledge about electricity with years of working experience. He can also be a carpenter, plumber with his skills. When he returns here we can evaluate his skills by conducting exams and awarding certificate to confirm his practice here in Nepal at jobs related with his expertise. Working in Nepal for Nepalese will be much more beneficial. So the examination for skill assessment and certification must be sanctioned by Nepalese government for foreign migrant workers.
Interview with:
Mr. Uday Raj Pandey
Ambassador of Nepal for Saudi Arabia.
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