Recently, in the academic forefront, Tribhuvan University the oldest University started Humanities study in Nepal with a four years Bachelor’s degree program in Humanities. It is an interdisciplinary subject that combines Sociology, Psychology, Economics, and other subjects within the mainstream.Humanities is available in many colleges under the affiliation of TU. Kathmandu University School of Arts has been providing Humanities studies in Nepal with Bachelor in Community Development program. Humanities is a four years undergraduate level program designed to cater to Human Resources required for the community. Humanities in nepal cover a wide spectrum of Humanities such as social issues, development, environment, economy, equity, health, population, conflict, poverty, and disaster.
Students must have secured D+ in all subjects at grade 11 and 12 or must have completed intermediate level in Science, Management, or Humanities stream. They must have passed the Major English subject.
Humanities study in Nepal has diverse career prospects for graduates in this field. Since they are great communicators, writers, understand arts, religion, culture, and people extensively the career paths suitable in this field of study are Teacher/Lecturer, Advertising sales agent, Technical Writer, Artist, Travel Agent, Public Relationship Manager, Lawyer, Editor, Advertising Manager, Marketing Director, Program Coordinator, Journalist, Linguistic, Foreign Correspondents.
Some of the list of Colleges of Humanities in Nepal are as follows :
Aadikavi BhanuBhakta Campus
Bigyan chaur, damauli, Tanahau | +977 065-590096
Active Academy College
Basundhara, Kathmandu | 01-4356400
Babai Multiple Campus
Gulariya | 084-420129
Badimalika Multiple Campus
Martadi, Badimalika | 097-540335
Bageshwari Multiple Campus
Banke, Kohalpur | 081-540076
Bajra International College
Jorpati, Kathmandu | 01-4915415
Baneshwor Campus
Shantinagar, Kathmandu | 01-4620310
Barun Multiple Campus
Khandbari, Panchkhapan | 029-560195
Bhairahawa Multiple(Bahumukhi) Campus
Siddharthanagar, Bhairahawa | 071-520205
Bhaktapur Multiple Campus
Doodhpati, Bhaktapur | 01-6610200
Bhojpur Multiple Campus
Bhojpur | 029-420106
Birendra Multiple Campus
Narayangadh, Bharatpur | 056-493253
Birendranagar Multiple Campus
Charkrapani path, Birendranagar | 083-520228
Butwal Kalika Campus
Rupandehi, Butwal | 071-543457
Butwal Model College
Rupandehi, Butwal | 071-429193
Butwal Multiple Campus
Golpark, Butwal | 071-540134
Camad College
Tinkune, Kathmandu | 01-4112191
Cambridge International College
Kalanki, Kathmandu | 01-5219858
Campion College
Kupondole, Lalitpur | 5431994
Canvas International College
Basundhara, Kathmandu | 01-4980304
Central Department of Mathematics
Kritipur, Kathmandu | 01-4331977
Central Department of Nepali
Kirtipur | 01-4331132
Central Department of Psychology
Panga, Kirtipur | 01-4332539
Central Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Kirtipur | 01-4331852
Chakrabarti HaBi Education Academy
Bijulibazar, Kathmandu | 01-4795808
Chaturbhujeshwor Janata Campus
Sukhepokhari, Harion | 046-530413
Chiran Milan Bishwa Shanti Campus
Bansbari, Kathmandu | 01-4017015
Classic College International
Pingla marga, Kathmandu | 01-4110433
College of Development Studies
Old baneshwor, Kathmandu | 01-4488312
College of Journalism and Mass Communication
Subidha nagar, Kathmandu | 01-5222102
College of National Academic Square
Koteshwor, Kathmandu | 01-4602084
Columbus College
New baneshwor, Kathmandu | 01-4791747
Cosmopolitan College
Chabahil, Kathmandu | 01-4460633
Dadeldhura Campus
Dadeldhura bazzar, Amargadhi | 096-410189
Damak Multiple Campus
Damak, BuddaShanti | 023-590232
Dhawalagiri Multiple Campus
Kudule, Baglung | 068-520113
Diamond College
Budhanilkantha , Kathmandu | 01-4378105
Diktel Multiple Campus
Diktel Rupakot Majhuwagadhi | 036-420119
Dillibazar Kanya Multiple Campus
Dillibazar, Kathmandu | 984-1224589
Doti Multiple Campus
Dipayal-Silgadhi | 094-411110
Drabya Shah Multiple Campus
Laxmi bazar , Gorkha | 064-411228
Ganeshman Singh Multiple Campus
Kalanki, Kathmandu | 01-5234240
Gauradaha Multiple Campus
Gauradaha, BuddaShanti | 023-480128
Gauri Shanker Campus Dolkha
Charikot, Melung | 049-421-124
Gautam Buddha Multiple Campus
Jayanagar 8 gorusinge, Kapilvastu | 068-57050368
Ghodaghodi Multiple Campus
Shukhad, Mohanyal | 091-403117
GoldenGate International College
Battisputali, Kathmandu | 01-4495165
GP Koirala Memorial College
Chabahil, Kathmandu | 01-4579115
Gramin Adarsha Multiple Campus
Nepaltar, Kathmandu | 01-4354124
Gupteshwor Multiple Campus
Parbat, Kusma | 067-420145
Gurukul National College
Gaushala, Kathmandu | 01-4477142
Gyan Deep College
Baruwagaun Tole, Tulsipur | 082-520955
Hari Khetan Bahumukhi Campus
Birgunj ghanta ghar, Birgunj | 051-522961
Hetauda Campus
Srijana marg, Hetauda | 057-520974
Himalayan College for Learning Excellence
Gaushala, Kathmandu | 014571579, 014572879
Hrit Academy
Basundhara, Kathmandu | 01-4972111
Indreshwar Campus
Kapalkot , Panauti | 011-441399
Insight Vision Secondary School
Dhumbarahi, Kathmandu | 01-4542357
Institute of Advanced Communication, Education and Research
New baneshwor, Kathmandu | 01-4471915
Intensive International College
Ganeshman singh rd, Kathmandu | 01-4278342
International Center for Academic College of Distance Education and Online Studies (ICA)
Sinamangal, Kathmandu | 01-4579685
Jagannath Campus
Gothalapani, Patan | 095-520170
Jana Bhawana Campus
Chapagaun, Lalitpur | 01-5265512,5265294
Jana Jyoti Multiple Campus
Bhansi, Mahendranagar | 099-522222
Janajyoti Multiple Campus Sarlahi
Dhankau | 046-501436
Janapriya Multiple Campus
Simalchaur, Pokhara | 061-522287
Janata Adarsha Multiple Campus
Biratnagar | 021-462900
Janata Bahumukhi Campus
Itahari | 025-580064
Janata Sudarshan Campus
Thuli pokhari, Phalewas | 067-690282
Jaya Prithvi Campus
Jayaprithvi | 092-421075
JS Murarka Multiple Campus
Lahan | 033-560252
K and K International College
New baneshwor, Kathmandu | 01- 4497515
Kadambari Memorial College of Science and Management
Shankhamul, Kathmandu | 01-4795051
Kailashkut Multiple Campus
Mitrapark , Kathmandu | 01-4465707
Kalika Multiple Campus
Kajipokhari, Pokhara | 061-430385
Kankai Adarsha Campus
Birtamode, Ratuwamai | 01-4155052
Kankai Multiple Campus
Surunga, BuddaShanti | 023-552153
Kantipur Campus
Thali, Kathmandu | 01-4450804
Kantipur City College
Putalisadak, Kathmandu | 01-4530239, 4537093
Kanya Campus
Nadipur, Pokhara | 061 522256
Kapilvastu Multiple Campus
Taulihawa, Kapilvastu | 076-560181
Kathmandu BernHardt College
Bafal, Kathmandu | 01-5237330, 01-5237361
Kathmandu Campus
Kalimati, Kathmandu | 01-4265828
Kathmandu Model College
Bagbazar, Kathmandu | 01-5201331
Kathmandu National College
Koteshwor, Kathmandu | 01-4794883
Kathmandu University - Centre for Art and Design
Satdobato, Lalitpur | 01-4650704
Kathmandu University - Centre for Buddhist Studies
Boudha, Kathmandu | 01-4483575
Kavre Multiple Campus
Budol, Banepa | 011-661133
Khwopa College
Dekocha, Bhaktapur | 01-6610932
Lincoln College
Samakhushi, Kathmandu | 01-4963024
Lumbini Adarsh Degree College
Kawasoti, Bulingtar | 078-540405
Madan Bhandari Memorial College
New baneshwor, Kathmandu | 01-5172175
Madhyabindu Multiple Campus
Kawasoti, Bulingtar | 078-540473
Madi Campus
Kauney, Ichchhakamana | 056-692557
Mahendra Bindeshwori Campus
Rajbiraj, Mahadeva | 031-520092
Mahendra Campus
Sunsari, Dharan | 025-521546
Mahendra Morang Adarsh Multiple Campus
Roadcyes chwok, Biratnagar | 021-471438
Mahendra Multiple Campus Baglung
Kudule, Baglung | 068-520113
Mahendra Multiple Campus Dang
Deukhuri, Ghorahi | 082-560035
Mahendra Multiple Campus Nepalgunj
Bhansar road, Nepalgunj | 081-528041
Mahendra Ratna Multiple Campus Ilam
Ilam | 027-520020
Mahendrodaya Campus
Manthali, Ramechhap | 048-520321
Maiya Devi Campus
Kauney, Ichchhakamana | 056-493495
Makwanpur Multiple Campus
Municipality rd, Hetauda | 057-520620
Mangalodaya Multiple Campus
Thankot, Kathmandu | 01-4312101
Marsyangdi Multiple Campus
Lamjung, Besisahar | 066-520213
Martyr Ramnath Multiple (MRM) Campus
Banasthali, Kathmandu | 01-4360969
Mechi Multiple Campus
Chandragadhi Road, Bhadrapur | 023-455044
Mid-western University School of Contemporary Studies
Birendranagar | 083-524275
Musikot Khalanga Bahumukhi Campus
Khalanga, Hukam | 088-680306
Myagdi Campus
Beni bazzar, Mangala | 069-520109
Myanglung Campus
Terathum, Myanglung | 026-460120
Namuna Machhindra Campus
Satdobato, Lalitpur | 01-5004064
National College for Higher Education
Dhumbarahi, Kathmandu | 01-4540410
National Integrated College (NIC)
Maharajgunj, Kathmandu | 01-4017603
National Law College
Pulchowk, Lalitpur | 016923818
Navodit College
Samakhushi, Kathmandu | 01-4965851
Nepal College of Development Studies
Shankhamul, Kathmandu | 01-4782982
Nepal Information Technology
Jawalakhel, Lalitpur | 01-5453761
Nepal Mega College
Babarmahal, Kathmandu | 01-5705488
Nepal Mountain Academy
Bijulibazar, Kathmandu | 01-5244888
New Millennium College
Dhumbarahi, Kathmandu | 01-4527987
Nil Kantha Campus
Nilkantha-3, Gangajamuna | 010-520369
Nuwakot Adarsha Bahumukhi Campus
Narayan | 010-560157
Okhaldhunga Campus
Siddhicharan | 037-520028
Orbit International College
Amritnagar, Kathmandu | 01-4286231
Orient College of Science and Management
Maharajgunj, Kathmandu | 01-4720181
Padma Kanya Campus
Bagbazar, Kathmandu | 01-4224149
Padmashree International College
Tinkune, Kathmandu | 01-4112252
Palhi Campus
Bulingtar | 078-520147
Panchthar Campus
Phidim | 024-520159
Panini Multiple Campus
Sandhikharka-6, Lumbini | 077-420568
Parbat Multiple Campus
Phalebas, Phalewas | 067-430032
Pasang Lhamu Sherpa Memorial College
Samakhushi, Kathmandu | 01-4363000
Patan Multiple Campus
Patandhoka, Lalitpur | 01-5549133
Pathibhara Campus
Pathibhara, Phungling | 024-460228
Pentagon International College
Tinkune, Kathmandu | 01-4112324
Polygon College
Babarmahal, Kathmandu | 01-4228452
Prithvi Narayan Campus
Bagar, Pokhara | 61-576837
Public Administration Campus
Kirtipur | 01-4673011
Pyramid International College
Gaushala, Kathmandu | 01-4477142
Rainbow International College
Dallu, Kathmandu | 01-4278169
Rajarshi Janak Campus
Janakpur | 041-426033
Ramailo Campus
Bayarban, Ratuwamai | 021-691839
Rammani Multiple Campus
Aanandaban, Kanchan | 071-560226
Ramswaroop Ramsagar Campus
Janakpur | 041-520448
Rapti Babai Campus
Tulsipur | 082-520316
Ratna Jyoti Multiple Campus
Maruhiti, Kathmandu | 01-4258145
Ratna Rajya Laxmi Campus
Pradarsani marga, Kathmandu | 01-4225819
Regional college of health science and technology
Nayabazar, Pokhara | 061-4471915
Reliance International Academy
Chabahil, Kathmandu | 01-4822336
Resunga Campus
Tamghas, Resunga | 079-520145
Sagarmatha College for Higher Studies
Dillibazar, Kathmandu | 01-4433810
Sagarmatha Multiple College
Dillibazar, Kathmandu | 01-4433810
Sankhuwasabha Multiple Campus
Chainpur | 029-570208
Sanothimi Campus
Sanothimi, Bhaktapur | 01-6630283
Saptagandaki Multiple Campus
Chitrasen Marga, Bharatpur | 056-520754
Saraswati Multiple Campus
Thamel, Kathmandu | 01-4411971
Shaheed Smriti Multiple Campus
Ratnanagar, Ichchhakamana | 056-560147
Shahid Multiple Campus
Tilakpur rd, Rampur | 075-5691478
Shahid Smarak College
Kritipur, Kathmandu | 01-4330279
Shepherd College of Media Technology
Kantipath, Kathmandu | 01-4488274
Shree Karfok Bidya Mandir Multiple Campus
Karfok, Ilam | 027-555221
Sigma College
Sorakhutte, Kathmandu | 01-4358484
Silver Mountain School Of Hotel Management
Lainchaur, Kathmandu | 01-4515038
Sindhuli Multiple Campus
Sindhuli, Kamalamai | 047-520066
Sirjana College of Fine Art
Lazimpat, Kathmandu | 01-4518455
Solukhumbu Campus
Solududhkunda | 038-520225
Southwestern State College
Basundhara, Kathmandu | 01-4355457
St. Xavier's College
Maitighar, Kathmandu | +977-01-5321365, 5344636
Sunsari Multiple Campus
Inaruwa, Barahachhetra | 025 - 580064
SV Academy Multiple College
New baneshwor, Kathmandu | 01-4783913
Tansen Multiple Campus
Kajipauwa, Tansen | 075-520597
Tehrathum Campus
Chuhandanda, Phungling | 024-420123
Tej Ganga Mahavidhalaya
Kapalkot , Panauti | 011-440028
Test College
Karfok, Ilam | 1234567890
Thakur Ram Multiple Campus
Birgunj | 051-522187
Thames International College
Old baneshwor, Kathmandu | +97715971224
The British College
Thapathali, Kathmandu | +977 9823576995
The Times International College
Dillibazar, Kathmandu | 01-4441168
Tikapur Multiple Campus
Tikapur, Mohanyal | 091-560088
Tri Chandra Campus
Ghantaghar, Kathmandu | 01-4225743
Tribhuvan Multiple Campus
Batase dada, Tansen | 075-520030
Trinity International College
Dillibazar, Kathmandu | 01-4545954,4545955,4545956
TU-Department of Conflict, Peace and Development Studies
New baneshwor, Kathmandu | 01-4116128
Vinayak Siddha College
Chabahil, Kathmandu | 01-4599512
Welhams College
Mid baneshwor, Kathmandu | 01-4786399
Xavier International College
Kalopul, Kathmandu | 01-4570224, 01-4579026